
Raising a Blended Family

Halfway home =)

on May 10, 2012

20 weeks have gone by and it boggles my mind.  Granted, for the first two weeksish (19 days) I wasn’t technically pregnant and then for the next 12 days I didn’t know I was pregnant…. but still.  That leaves 16 weeks of knowing-fully-aware pregnancy??? Where on earth has time gone?

I am simultaneously ecstatic for this pregnancy to continue and for us to eventually reach the end of it and meet our boy, yet at the same time I am sad to see this time going by so quickly.  I am really enjoying being pregnant-  I treasure this time we have left as a family of four, and cherish the special bond my wife and I have during this time as well.  I feel soconnectedwith her, and life just seems so good. Not that it didn’t before pregnancy, but this time is different. Outside the normal boundaries.  Special.  Glowing.  It is our first pregnancy together as a couple and I just love this time together.

In other news, we went to see the midwife again the other night and it went great!  All is measuring well with the baby, and she had a ton of helpful suggestions for everything from my legs cramps (magnesium or something? I’ll have to look at my notes) to hives (not mine, Shorty’s- and peppermint oil if you’re wondering!).  She measured my fundal height, something the OB hadn’t ever done (22, for those wondering- she said it was normal? Seems big for 20 weeks) and also felt the baby’s position and was able to tell us he’s lying basically like he’s in a hammock, with his back down and his head my left.  I wasn’t at all surprised, but I’m glad he’s comfortable in there- that makes one of us, at least.  I think due to his position and being so low, whenever he moves drastically I can not just feel it but feel it.  This afternoon he rolled over or something and I sent an email to Shorty that was something along the lines of “Um, your son is now sitting ON MY CERVIX.”  It was an incredible sudden amount of pressure that luckily didn’t last more than an hour, but while it did it was not fun! Shorty laughed and told me to try standing on my head to make him move.  Yes, highly likely (but if it happens you’ll get pictures. ha.)

And finally, I am a big fan of countdowns and keeping track of milestones and so it is with much glee that I give you an updated countdown list of things I am greatly looking forward to:

  • 1 week, 4 days until our anatomy ultrasound (the last one was with the study we were doing but was a rather truncated version of this one, which is through our OB’s office and is the last time we will be using that office.)
  • 1 week, 6 days until California.  I am practically peeing my pants I am so excited (or is that the baby on my bladder again?)
  • 7 weeks, 3 days until our babymoon
  • 8 weeks until my family arrive for a month long stay (yes, they get here right after our babymoon. we could have been nice and cancelled the trip for them to arrive sooner and spend 4th of july with us… but we are both REALLY looking forward to it so we told them we’d just see them afterwards!)
  • and then sometime in the next 12 weeks is our Indiana baby shower
  • 20ish weeks until we meet our little one!

Reading over that list and all of the good things coming our way, I feel like a very lucky ducky.  Plus, unlisted but equally as fun, are all the upcoming summer BBQs, pool trips, Lake Michigan roadtrips, Indy Pride, and so many more things that herald the arrival of summer. I love this season!

Last but not least, bumpdate! I think I’m getting a wee bit bigger….

Twenty week bump. Halfway there!


6 responses to “Halfway home =)

  1. PS. I’ll be at Purdue U for 4 days in July (10th-13th), any chance you could meet up?

    Also, I love that your posts get happier and happier every time! It’s great watching this process.

    • lezbemoms says:

      We would love to meet up! We’ll have to play it by ear though, because that week is also the first week my family will be in town from San Diego, so we will have to see how that goes. But yes we would love to meet!

  2. zunzunbobo says:

    uhh, yeah! that’s quite a bump you’re getting!
    glad about all the good news. it *does* feel like it’s going fast! luckily you have so many things to enjoy!

  3. Isa says:

    Hi! Potassium! Bananas help with the cramps, if you want to start off with those and see if you need supplements or not. Also 22 sounds good to me (I think it’s supposed to be about 1cm per week preggo, so a little ahead, but there’s always some variation). Love the bump!

  4. Beautiful bump!!! And I agree, time is flying!

  5. meridith says:

    You’re TOTALLY getting bigger. you look great!

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