
Raising a Blended Family

Three weeks old!

on August 19, 2015

And my, how the time is flying.

My mom left on Saturday, which was a very bittersweet thing. After 5 weeks of her being here (the longest I’ve seen her since I moved out to the midwest!) it was hard to transition to her being gone, but also nice to have our space back. She and I bicker like sisters, but I still enjoy having her around and more importantly, so do the kids. Pax, in particular, was pretty sad when she left- he kept saying “Grandma go byebye on airplane?” and looking all sad. Sorry, bud. You’ll see her at Christmas! She was so helpful while she was here but now that she is gone, it is also nice to get down to the business of being a family of five.

Thing One is also back to school now, which means summer is well and truly over. She’s in fourth grade this year and neither one of us can quite believe where time is going! Both her and big brother are getting big, fast- Pax will be THREE in less than two months! When did that happen?!

And then of course, there’s baby girl. She’s all of three weeks old (as of yesterday) and we’re starting to see a little bit of personality emerge. Overall, she seems like a pretty calm baby. She still sleeps most of the day but when she’s awake, she’s quiet and alert and just checking out the sights.  She’s getting bigger too- yesterday we packed up all her newborn outfits and took out the 0-3 months stuff. Lots of cute outfits I’m sad to see go but lots of cute outfits yet to wear as well! She was 8lb 13oz at her most recent doctor appointment. 

Today we took her to a baby massage class at the local chiropractor’s, and man, did she love it. I have never seen her so relaxed! She basically just melted into the table while we massaged all over. She is going to be so spoiled. 🙂

A week or so ago, she had a doctor’s appointment at an ENT. She had a lip tie that was causing some problems with nursing and latching and needed taken care of, and also a little skin tag by her ear that we had removed. The procedures went pretty well, overall- the worst part was seeing them inject numbing medications with a huge needle into her teeny tiny self! She SCREAMED. But then during the actual cutting, she was fine and it was over quickly. They said neither site will scar and she should recover quickly- I hope so and I’m glad to have that behind us. 

As for Wifey, she is still having some baby blues. We’re hoping they fade away as the hormones die down, because she’s been pretty miserable on and off here. She has good days but then she has crying-jag days where she’s tearful on and off all day. At this point, I’m not sure if it’s baby blues or postpartum depression so if it continues we’ll probably have her see someone. It’s hard seeing her be so sad- during a time when she should be blissfully happy. I hope somehow she can get back on track.

My nursing job hunt continues. I am THIS close to landing a job- I’ve done the interview, they had me come in to shadow, and all my references were turned in as of yesterday, so now it’s just waiting game to see if/when they call back. Cross your everything for me please! Our family really needs me to have a job now! (EDIT: not five minutes after posting this, I got a call that I got the job!!!! Wahoooo!)

And of course, pictures. Life is pretty sweet, overall. New baby, wonderful kids, loving wife and my favorite season is right around the corner… yeah, life is sweet.

Big sister little sister: Thing One loves her baby sis! She helps so much with her and wants to hold her all the time. So cute. 
Big brother little sister: Pax still isn’t sure what to think of this strange new creature. He’s pretty sweet with her most of the time- he will pat her head gently or put her paci back in her mouth if she’s lost it. He also gets jealous though and will try to climb up in our laps if we are holding her or sometimes throw things at her!  Overall it’s what I would expect for a two year old new big brother.
Grandma and her three grandbabies:

Thing One on her first day of kindergarten, left, and her first day of fourth grade, right. So grown!

Pax in his cupcake pjs. These were originally going to be a present for his cousin but he found them and insisted we put them on him, and then got so excited about his “cupcakes” that we let him have them. Little stinker.

Today during baby massage. She just melted into the table!

Don’t let her fool you: she rarely, if ever, sleeps here. She prefers to sleep on a mom, thankyouverymuch.

Sleeping in her carseat:

Somewhere in the middle of all the chaos, I decided it would be a good time to take up running and try to lose some weight. I hate running but I’m using this app called couch to 5k where it basically trains you to run. Yay. #sweatyselfie


My mama and I, dropping her off at the airport.  
The skin tag we had removed.


Pretty baby!

As I said: sleeping on a mom!  

Big brother sleeping in his carseat. So big! 

5 responses to “Three weeks old!

  1. Love family- and my Olive has those cupcake pjs!!

  2. AndiePants says:

    Love couch to 5K! get it! The pictures are gorgeous!

  3. Lindsay says:

    I loved looking at the kids’ pictures. They’re all so cute! You guys are rockin’ this parenthood thing.

  4. Isa says:

    Oh, those baby lips! Congrats on the job, too–that’s great news!

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